Here's my second assignment A Window:
DPS Scavenger Hunt - 2nd Challenge - Digital Photography School
My digital photography and my photo learning experiences. View and comment on my photos. I will be using my creativity and my vision of digital photos.
Here's my second assignment A Window:
DPS Scavenger Hunt - 2nd Challenge - Digital Photography School
Here's my first assignment (the Hat). What do you think about this photo of the Old Straw Hat?
DPS Scavenger Hunt - 2nd Challenge - Digital Photography School
Well I am participating in a photo scavenger Hunt. We all must take photos of the following:
It should be fun and a great way to develop some photo skills. So why not join the hunt and share your photos. See the rules at DPS or Flickr
Well Christmas has come and gone. Took some photos and we had a great Christmas. So here's some of our best:
Here I sit in a early morning fog. Still taking lots of photos and learning something new each day. I seem to get somewhat frustrated with which is the best camera settings for the conditions.
Can you find the squirrel and how about his foot? We were playing hide and seek before I got this shot.
Been away for a day or so. Still taking lots of photos everyday. Here's one I took yesterday and I really like how it came out. Took 10 photos to get this one.
Here’s my submission to this weeks contest!
I also took this photo and decided not to enter it because of stuff in the right side background.